I am an Assistant Professor at the IT University of Copenhagen (ITU) since 2022. As of March 2025, I will join the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) and the University of Potsdam as an Assistant Professor for Spatial Analytics and Large-Scale Data Processing. My research focuses on developing data management tools that improve the efficiency of modern data analytics and data science workloads, with an emphasis on spatial workloads.

Before joining ITU, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Technical University of Berlin (TUB) and a junior fellow at the Berlin Institute for the Foundations of Learning and Data (BIFOLD). I earned my PhD from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in 2019, where I was advised by Prof. Anastasia Ailamaki. During my doctoral studies, I also spent four months as a visiting researcher at New York University (NYU) with Prof. Juliana Freire. My dissertation research focused on query processing for spatial and temporal data exploration. I obtained a Diploma M. Eng. Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in 2013.

I am the recipient of a VLDB 2022 Distinguished Reviewer Award and a SIGMOD 2018 Best Demonstration Award.

I serve as Diversity and Inclusion co-chair for EDBT 2025-2026, as Proceedings co-chair for SIGMOD 2025, and as Program co-chair for HDMS 2025.

News (all)

🌟 Exciting news! As of March 2025, I am thrilled to join the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) and the University of Potsdam as an Assistant Professor. I will be leading the Spatial Analytics and Large-Scale Data Processing group. Looking forward to the new opportunities ahead!
Our paper "Enhancing In-Memory Spatial Indexing with Learned Search" has been accepted at BTW 2025.
New reviewing activity: joined VLDB's 2026 PC.
New paper "Raster Interval Object Approximations for Spatial Intersection Joins" accepted at the VLDB Journal.
I serve as PC member of TDIS 2025 (in conjunction with ACM Eurosys and ACM Asplos).
Attending VLDB 2024 in Guangzhou, China! We will present our research paper "Efficient Placement of Decomposable Aggregation Functions for Stream Processing over Large Geo-Distributed Topologies“. I will also participate in a panel on “Success in the Ph.D. Journey” at the VLDB PhD Workshop, and a PhD Mentoring Session. Looking forward to connecting with fellow attendees!
July was the month of academic adventures and exchanges. After visiting BIFOLD to give two talks - one about recent work and one where I shared some advice as an early-career academic - I spent an enriching week in Cluj-Napoca attending the VLDB Summer School and delivering a lecture on Spatial Data Management Systems.
Happy to serve as Diversity and Inclusion chair for one more year at EDBT 2026.
New paper "Analysis of Geospatial Data Loading" accepted at the DBTest 2024 Workshop (in conjunction with SIGMOD).
Our demo paper "Multi-Backend Zonal Statistics Execution with Raven" was accepted at SIGMOD 2024!
I have accepted the invitation to serve as Proceedings co-chair for SIGMOD 2025. Looking forward to collaborating with the organizing board.
Good news! Our paper "Efficient Placement of Decomposable Aggregation Functions for Stream Processing over Large Geo-Distributed Topologies“ has been accepted for publication at PVLDB.
See all past news and events.


  • Present

    Assistant Professor

    Lead of Research Group Spatial Analytics and Large Scale Data Processing

    Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI), University of Potsdam, Germany

  • 02/2025

    Assistant Professor

    IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark

  • 04/2022

    Postdoctoral Researcher

    Technical University of Berlin, Germany

  • 10/2016

    Visiting Researcher

    New York University, USA

  • 08/2019

    Doctoral Assistant

    EPFL, Switzerland

  • 08/2013

    Research Intern

    EPFL, Switzerland


  • Ph.D. 2019

    Ph.D. in Computer Science

    EPFL, Switzerland

  • Diploma M. Eng.2013

    Diploma M. Eng. in Electrical and Computer Engineering

    National Technical University of Athens, Greece